KindCare Best Medical Center In Dubai
Classification of Diseases
The world of medicine adheres to an established system of categorizing diseases based on their similarities and commonalities. Here some medical disease directory for the medical check up for disease can reduce risk of getting sick. KindCare Best health care check up in Dubai for find the disease.
Some Medical Disease Directory List in Dubai
- Diseases of internal organs – a group of diseases affecting human organs from the inside, which are treated with medical drugs and methods without surgical intervention.
- Surgical diseases – a category of diseases that require surgical treatment.
- Oncologic diseases – a type of disease based on uncontrolled cell reproduction.
- Genetic diseases – diseases caused by abnormalities in the structure of genes.
- Diseases of the reproductive system – diseases related to the process of pregnancy and childbirth.
- Infectious diseases – diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites.
- Venereal diseases – infections that are primarily sexually transmitted.
- Skin diseases – diseases whose main symptom is skin changes.
- Eye diseases – diseases affecting the eyes.
- Ear, nose, and throat diseases.
- Nutrition-related diseases – diseases arising from improper or inadequate nutrition.
It is important to realize that there are no completely isolated cases of diseases of individual organs or tissues. As a rule, any disease covers the effect on the whole organism, although it may have a major manifestation in a particular organ or system. In the process of disease development, a significant role is played not only by its root cause and the state of the human immune system, but also by the external environment, living conditions, and psychological state.