Health Check-up


At KindCare Diagnosis and Full health check up in Dubai offer medical health and wellness checkup. Our aim determining the functional status of organs and systems, which allows to make a diagnosis, and which helps to objectively assess the work of an organ or system.

Thanks to Diagnostics, it is possible to detect disease at a pre-symptomatic stage and start its treatment in time.

The diagnostics department at KindCare is equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment from the world’s leading manufacturers, which allows us to promptly conduct all necessary tests, detect disorders and pathologies, monitor the course of treatment and prevent further development of diseases.

Diagnostic procedures are performed on both adults and children.

Diagnostic Tests for Children & Adults

Diagnosis and Health Check Up FOR CHILDREN & ADULTS

Ultrasound is a diagnostic method that is used to evaluate almost all human systems and organs. It is the most popular, simple and informative method of research and diagnosis, as well as assessing the dynamics of treatment.

The principle of its action is based on echolocation: the sensor, which is located on the patient's skin, is both the transmitter and receiver of ultrasound. Ultrasound, leaving the transducer, penetrates through the skin and is reflected to a greater or lesser extent from dense organs, such as the liver or kidneys. The reflected sound is recorded by the same transducer and converted into an image by the ultrasound machine.

X-ray is the main method of radiologic examination, which consists of obtaining a radiograph: a shadowy image of organs on X-ray film.
The study is performed using medical x-ray machines. The X-rays they produce pass through the human body and are captured by the system. The analog machines then produce an image on x-ray film. More modern digital radiography systems are equipped with a sensitive detector that instantly transmits the X-ray image to a computer monitor.

Spirometry is a method that allows you to assess the volume of inhaled and exhaled air, as well as the speed of its passage through the airways in a calm and forced state.
With the help of this safe and painless study identifies possible pathologies of respiratory function and oxygen metabolism, the presence of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
The study is performed using a spirometer - a device for measuring the volume of air leaving the lungs at the greatest exhalation after the largest inhalation.

A hearing test is an examination aimed at evaluating hearing performance. It allows to determine the patient's "hearing threshold" and to diagnose ear diseases, as well as to detect the beginning of deafness. The test is performed in case of complaints of poor hearing, speech intelligibility problems and other pathologies.

Hardware vision testing is a set of measures to check the condition of a person's eye. Vision testing includes painless procedures that allow to detect not only visual disorders, but also pathologies of the visual organ.

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a recording of the electrical activity of the heart, a well-known and widely used diagnostic tool in cardiology and internal medicine. It provides information about the heart rate, rhythm and conduction of electrical impulses in the heart.

In addition, it can also indicate certain conditions such as narrowing of the coronary arteries or, for example, myocardial infarction.

Computed tomography (CT) is a method of diagnosis and examination of the human body. The test must be carried out with the use of special equipment - a computer tomograph. Hence the name itself. In fact, CT is a modern version of X-ray. Thanks to CT, it is possible to obtain a layer-by-layer image of the object of interest (head, knee joint, liver, kidneys, etc.). As a result, it is possible to build up a three-dimensional picture, rather than a flat projection, as is the case with X-rays.

Densitometry is a method of diagnosing bone density and the likelihood of bone fractures. This analysis measures calcium levels, overall density and structure, thickness of the surface layer of bones.

Thanks to such a study, osteoporosis can be detected at an early stage and its treatment can be started in time. It also helps prevent calcium deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman, which is important for the proper development of the fetus.

Angiography is a high-tech diagnostic procedure to examine blood vessels and arteries. To perform it, a marker substance (contrast), is injected into the bloodstream. This provides clarity, contrast visualization, so you can examine in detail the smallest capillaries, detect any changes in them. Angiography is in demand in fluoroscopy, radiography, computed tomography, hybrid operating rooms.

Magnetic resonance imaging is an instrumental diagnostic method that allows you to obtain detailed layer-by-layer images of virtually any area of the human body. It is based on nuclear magnetic resonance, which does not require the use of X-rays or other harmful radiation. The method is safe, does not require painful procedures or manipulations, and is successfully used in all areas of medicine.

Daily blood pressure monitoring is a diagnostic method that involves automatic measurement of blood pressure at preset intervals according to a preset program for 24 hours. This method is used in medical practice as one of the most informative and reliable ways of research on this parameter. At a doctor's examination, a single measurement of blood pressure does not give the opportunity to get the full picture because of various factors that strongly distort the real values. Monitoring is designed to identify the true values of BP, taking into account all its possible fluctuations. To conduct the study, the patient is attached to a sensor, which he wears on himself for a day. During this period of time, the device records the values of blood pressure.

Videocolposcopy is a high-tech diagnostic method of examining diseases of the female reproductive organs. This technique allows early detection of cervical erosion, polyps, condylomas, papillomas, leukoplakia, erythroplakia, tumors. Videocolposcopy provides detection of oncopathology, which further contributes to its prevention and slow development.

Fetal CTG is a popular method of prenatal diagnosis. Its widespread use is due to its simplicity, safety for the child and the mother, as well as the stability of the information obtained and high informativeness.
The method is based on the Doppler principle, and all changes are picked up by a special ultrasound sensor. CTG can determine the HR (heart rate) of the fetus at rest and during movement, in response to uterine contractions and various environmental factors.

Mammography is a diagnostic procedure to assess the condition of the mammary glands by means of special X-ray equipment (mammograph). It is highly informative and can detect any changes in the early stages of development.

Visia allows to diagnose changes in the epidermis and derma that are invisible to the naked eye and, depending on the current state, helps the cosmetologist, based on diagnosis and experience, to create an optimal author's algorithm for wrinkle elimination, an injectable modeling project or a program of care products selection. Visia allows you to visualize the individual process of future age-related changes of the patient and develop a step-by-step prevention protocol.

Colonoscopy is a technique for examining the colon, allowing the doctor to assess the condition of the mucous membrane of the colon and rectum, to identify changes or any abnormalities on it. It is carried out with the help of a special optical device - a colonoscope. The procedure allows not only to externally assess the mucosa, but also, if necessary, to make a biopsy of tissue from a suspicious area for further study.

Gastroscopy (full name - esophagogastroduodenoscopy) is an endoscopic examination of the upper parts of the gastrointestinal tract, which include the esophagus, stomach, duodenum. Gastroscopy is performed with the help of special endoscopic equipment - gastroscope. A gastroscope is a long, thin and flexible tube with a lens at the end. Since the gastroscope uses optical fibers, it is also called fibrogastroscopy.

Capsule endoscopy is a modern, non-invasive and highly informative method of examination of the small and large intestine.

The essence of the method is simple - the patient swallows a special capsule equipped with one or two cameras. In the process of moving through the gastrointestinal tract, the device takes pictures and transmits the information to a recording receiver. The doctor analyzes the data and gives a conclusion. After a while, the capsule is removed from the body naturally.

Information about the state of the entire gastrointestinal tract allows you to identify pathology in the small and large intestine. The study is recorded for 10-12 hours, then the endoscopist decodes the data and prepares a protocol of examination.

Endoscopic examination of ENT organs refers to a non-traumatic method, which allows not only to diagnose diseases, but also to perform some procedures. The endoscope has the form of a device equipped with a flexible tube with a thickness of no more than 4 mm. One end has a camera with a flashlight, the other end has an eyepiece.

This method allows you to inspect internal organs through the nose or after a puncture. It is possible to perform the procedure in different angles with a high image magnification. This greatly simplifies the diagnostic process.

Electroencephalography (EEG) is one of the most informative instrumental studies in neurology, which is used to record the electrical activity of neurons in the brain and determine its functional activity. A cap with electrodes attached to it is placed on the patient's head. The doctor examines the electrical activity of the patient's brain at rest, asks the patient to blink to account for blinking errors, and then additionally affects the patient by asking him or her to breathe deeply (hyperventilation) and studying his or her reaction to flashes of light (photostimulation).

Quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) is a procedure for processing recorded EEG activity using a computer. Multichannel EEG data are processed using various algorithms. The resulting digital data are statistically analyzed and compared to "normative" reference values from a database. Quantitative electroencephalography methods and the use of modern analytical software allow us to see the dynamic changes occurring in the brain during cognitive tasks, and this new approach can be used to determine which areas of the brain are engaged and efficiently process information.

This studies provides the most accurate data and makes it possible to detect changes in muscles and nerves even at an early stage of the disease. The device delivers weak artificial electrical impulses and records the response from the nerve fibers. The final diagram reflects how fast the nerve impulses travel along the nerve pathways.

Nerve Comduct Velocity (NCV) is the most informative method in the diagnosis of lesions of peripheral nerves and plexuses. Electromyography (EMG) allows to determine the bioelectric activity of the muscle, which will allow to make a conclusion about the functional state of the nerve that innervates this muscle.

Transcranial Dopplerography is a method of ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels, which allows to assess the speed of blood flow through them.

This examination allows the doctor to assess not only the diameter of the vessels, the features of their anatomy, but also blood flow patency and velocity.

A carotid doppler scan is a non-invasive diagnostic test based on the properties of the ultrasound wave to reflect off moving red blood cells, forming an image of the vessel. This procedure, which assesses the condition of the carotid, subclavian and vertebral arteries, helps to detect and prevent the progression of symptoms of vascular disease and cerebral circulation disorders.

The study of evoked potentials (EP) is a method of recording the reactions of various brain structures to external stimuli (somatosensory, visual, cognitive), allowing to assess the state of nerve pathways, conductive pathways of deep sensitivity, to study the work of the autonomic nervous system.

The use of EP is an invaluable tool for early detection and prognosis of neurological disorders in various diseases (stroke, brain tumors, consequences of brain injury, multiple sclerosis, etc.).

Bioresonance diagnostics allows you to study and qualitatively assess the functional state of internal organs. And if any pathology is traced in the body, bioresonance diagnostics of the body allows you to determine what caused the appearance of disorders. Bioresonance examination of the body is carried out by a specially trained specialist. At the initial stage, the doctor collects an anamnesis, after which he turns on the program of body scanning. The patient takes a comfortable sitting position, he is given a passive electrode in his hand. The doctor, applying the second electrode to biologically active points on the human body, conductivity measurement between them and the passive electrode in the patient's hand. At the final stage, the diagnostic device analyzes the obtained data and gives a written conclusion in the form of a graphic image of the organs and the pathologies recorded in them. The method allows not only to identify existing diseases, but also to establish the predisposition of the body to certain pathological processes. Based on the results obtained, an individual treatment program is developed.
